Directions for Improving the Investment Potential of Insurance Companies - Euro Afro Studies International Journal

Issue: 5, Volume: 3, Year: 2021

Directions for Improving the Investment Potential of Insurance Companies

Date of Publication : 30, May, 2021

Date Of Acceptance : 25 May, 2021


Area of research / Subject: Directions for Improving the Investment Potential of Insurance Companies

This article examines the investment potential of insurance companies, methods of their formation and factors that directly affect the formation of the investment potential of the insurer. Identified direct and indirect indicators of investment potential and the classification of factors affecting them. One of the leading places in the management of the insurance business is given to the problems of financial stability and solvency of insurance companies. Control and estimating the financial condition is important both for an individual insurance company and for the insurance market as a whole. The issues of investment activity of insurance companies, assessment of opportunities and prospects for its development, interaction with other participants in financial markets were also considered.

Keywords: investment potential, competitive advantages, insurance, insurance market, investment activities of insurers, investment portfolio,

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Author(s), KHUSANOV DURBEK NISHONOVICH, (2021). “ Directions for Improving the Investment Potential of Insurance Companies”, Name of the Journal: Euro Afro Studies International Journal, (EASIJ.COM), P, 115 –121.  DOI: ,  Issue: 5, Vol.: 3, Article: 11, Month: May, Year: 2021. Retrieved from


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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) - 3.5 - 11 - 2021 Directions for Improving the Investment Potential of Insurance Companies

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Keywords : investment potential, competitive advantages, insurance, insurance market, investment activities of insurers, investment portfolio,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:

Serial: 11 Download Page: 115-121