Purpose & Vision

Our Purpose

Euro Afro Studies International Journal (EASIJ) ®, ISSN: 2707-8965, is an academic research-based International Journal that works under Academic Research and Publications. Its publisher Name is EASIJ INTERNATIONAL And “ Pandulipi Prokashon”. EASIJ aims to identify, exploring and nurturing intellectual researchers in the fields of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities, Science, Business Administration Management and inclined to attain a significant place in the world of academic research by its commendable activities. Our holistic endeavor includes the establishment and promotion of academic/professional researchers/students and their valuable contributions by providing them an electronic platform where they can publish their academic researches and scholarly contributions in order to have a larger readership. EASIJ seeks an effectual role to play in the development of research, leadership and knowledge management skills not only among its members but also in its readers so that global society could enable the transfer of knowledge among the world’s intellectual human beings is called as human capital. We the Authority of EASIJ invite you to join our purpose and to make it more strength so that this noble cause could spread in its all webs.

EASIJ seeks to explore and invigorate European, African, American, Asian Cultural, historical, political, economic, geographical, linguistic, literature.  EASIJ aspire to continue interrogating past, understand present, and to promote a better future for mankind.

Our Vision

To explore the intellectual human capital by emphasizing research article creation, dissemination, and protection of knowledge by our valued scholars & researchers, intellectuals, professionals and leveraging their collective wisdom.

Our Mission

The Euro Afro Studies International Journal (EASIJ) begins from the premise that the interactions among the various regions of Europe, Africa, America as well as with the rest of the world, are critical to the scholarly enterprise. EASIJ engages methodological and theoretical issues common to scholars of literature, culture, and the social sciences globally, to explore themes such as race and ethnicity, urbanization and migration, modernity and modernism, transnationalism and globalization, representation and language.