Methods for Determining Thermal Conductivity of Ventilation Radiators in Low-Temperature Systems and Their Analysis - Euro Afro Studies International Journal

Methods for Determining Thermal Conductivity of Ventilation Radiators in Low-Temperature Systems and Their Analysis

Date of Publication : 20, Jun, 2021

This article theoretically investigates the possibilities of heat transfer of ventilation radiators used in low-temperature heating systems, and methods of their implementation. It has been found that increasing, modifying, or adding convection fenders to existing radiators can improve thermal efficiency. The main focus of the project is on improving the heating efficiency of existing radiators, which is cheaper and easier. Direct ventilation air towards the radiator or compress air between the radiator and the panel, thereby increasing thermal efficiency.

Keywords: radiator, heating systems, radiator surface, conductivity, solar panels,


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Author(s), Mo’minov Oybek Alisher ugli1, O’tbosarov Shuhratjon Rustamjon ugli2, AND Maqsudov Rustamjon Ismoilovich3, (2021). “Methods for Determining Thermal Conductivity of Ventilation Radiators in Low-Temperature Systems and Their Analysis”, Name of the Journal: Euro Afro Studies International Journal, (EASIJ.COM), P, 45 –51.  DOI: ,  Issue: 6, Vol.: 3, Article: 5, Month: June, Year: 2021. Retrieved from


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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) - 3.6 - 5 - 2021 Methods for Determining Thermal Conductivity of Ventilation Radiators in Low-Temperature Systems and Their Analysis

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