Possibility of Implementing National Level Standardized Exit Test of GFP in Oman - Euro Afro Studies International Journal

Issue: 6, Volume: 5, Year: 2023

Possibility of Implementing National Level Standardized Exit Test of GFP in Oman

Date of Publication : 30, Jun, 2023

Date Of Acceptance : 25 June 2023

Author: Dr. Geethu Anne Mathew,

Co Author: Ms. Aliza Batool,

Area of research / Subject: Possibility of Implementing National Level Standardized Exit Test of GFP in Oman

Keywords : General Foundation Program, Exit Test, National Level Standardization, Oman,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number: www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10183172

Serial: 1 Download Page: 1-9