Effect of Scaffolding Intructional Strategy On Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ekiti State - Euro Afro Studies International Journal

Issue: 3, Volume: 3, Year: 2021

Effect of Scaffolding Intructional Strategy On Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ekiti State

Date of Publication : 31, Mar, 2021

Date Of Acceptance : 28 Mar, 2021

Author: Prof. POPOOLA, Abiodun A. (Ph.D)

Co Author: FABIYI, Titilayo Ruth

Area of research / Subject: Effect of Scaffolding Intructional Strategy On Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ekiti State

The study examined the effect of scaffolding instructional strategy on senior secondary school students’ performance in Mathematics in Ekiti State. Specifically, the study examined the difference in the pre-test mean scores of students exposed to scaffolding instructional and conventional strategies; and the difference in the post-test mean scores of students exposed to scaffolding instructional and conventional strategies. The study adopted pre-test, post-test two group quasi-experimental design (an experimental and a control group). The population of the study consisted of all S.S.S.2 students in public secondary schools in Ekiti state. The sample comprised of 159 students (class intact size) of four public secondary schools in Ekiti State and was selected through multi-stage sampling procedure across the three senatorial districts of the state. The instrument used for this study was a self-constructed Mathematics Performance Test (MPT). The instrument was validated by face and content validity method. Cronbach’s Alpha statistics formula was used to establish the reliability coefficient which yielded a coefficient of 0.807 for MPT. The hypotheses were tested using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the pre-test mean scores of students exposed to scaffolding instructional and conventional strategies but there was significant difference in the post-test mean scores of students exposed to scaffolding instructional and conventional strategies. It was recommended among others that teachers teaching Mathematics should incorporate scaffolding instructional strategy to teach in the classroom so as to improve students’ performance in Mathematics.


Keywords: Scaffolding, Senior Secondary School Students, Performance, Mathematics,


Cite this article:

Author(s), PROF. POPOOLA, ABIODUN A. (Ph.D.), FABIYI, TITILAYO RUTH, (2021). “Effect of Scaffolding instructional Strategy On Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ekiti State”, Name of the Journal: Euro Afro Studies International Journal, (EASIJ.COM), P, 1 –10.  DOI: www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4731063 ,  Issue: 3, Vol.: 3, Article: 1, Month: March, Year: 2021. Retrieved from https://www.easij.com/all-issues/


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Keywords : Scaffolding, Senior Secondary School Students, Performance, Mathematics,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4731063

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