On the tarikat method in the instrumental music of the Bukhara Shashmakom - Euro Afro Studies International Journal

Issue: 1, Volume: 3, Year: 2021

On the tarikat method in the instrumental music of the Bukhara Shashmakom

Date of Publication : 31, Jan, 2021

Date Of Acceptance : 28 Jan, 2021


Area of research / Subject: On the tarikat method in the instrumental music of the Bukhara Shashmakom

In the Middle Ages, the Arabic word “makom” was enriched with another meaning – it symbolized the path to self-improvement, more precisely, the stages of spiritual perfection.  It acquired this meaning largely thanks to the Sufi teaching (at-tasawwuf) about the perfect person, which at that time was widespread among the most diverse strata of Muslim society and had a strong influence on artistic creativity. In particular, the ideas of sufizm were reflected in oral folk art, in classical poetry, the art of book miniatures, architecture and classical music. Music occupies a special place in this series: maqom seeds are a kind of musical embodiment of the steps of cognition. The ideological basis of his philosophical wisdom is primarily the teaching of the tasavvuf about the perfect man.

Keywords: maqom, theme, tariqat, Central Asia, anemitonics, Shashmaqom, tradition, muskilot, nasr, tanbur, doira, usul,

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Author(s), IBROHIMOV OQILXON AKBAROVICH, (2021). “ On the tarikat method in the instrumental music of the Bukhara Shashmakom”, Name of the Journal: Euro Afro Studies International Journal, (EASIJ.COM), P, 1 –12.  DOI: www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4534077 ,  Issue: 1, Vol.: 3, Article: 1, Month: January, Year: 2021. Retrieved from https://www.easij.com/all-issues/

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easij.com - 3.1 - 1 - 2021 On the tarikat method in the instrumental music of the Bukhara Shashmakom

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Keywords : maqom, theme, tariqat, Central Asia, anemitonics, Shashmaqom, tradition, muskilot, nasr, tanbur, doira, usul,      

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4534077

Serial: 1 Download Page: 1-12